捷克共和国 is one of the fastest growing economies in 欧洲 and the long-term macroeconomic prospects are looking very good. The increased purchasing power and a rising demand for quality products and services makes it an interesting market for expansion.


捷克共和国在工业创新方面处于区域领先地位, and it is also one of the most successful Central 欧洲an countries in attracting foreign direct investments. The central location in the heart of 欧洲 is an additional interesting asset for market entry. A flexible local business culture and a highly educated workforce are very beneficial for the development of many important industries, 比如汽车行业, 先进的工程, 生命科学和信息通信技术. 和PG电子官方免费下载一样,捷克人在做生意时也有长远的眼光. 然而,你可以在下面的采访中读到 & 投资专员尼基·勃兰特, 这有时会使公司过于谨慎,从而减慢合作的速度.


 在广泛的商业领域,捷克共和国是一个真正的增长中心, 比如高端制造业, R&D、外包和供应链管理. 这要归功于稳定增长的购买力, the country is often seen as a best cost country where companies can competitively produce and sell their products and services, 同时在本地和区域发展他们的业务. PG电子官方免费下载在市场上已经有了明显的足迹, 拥有大约200家PG电子官方免费下载公司的子公司. 我们相信, 然而, that there is still a lot of untapped potential and that more Swedish companies can set up successful business 操作 in the Czech Republic.


PG电子官方免费下载商务办公室位于布拉格. From there we also offer strategic advice and operational support to Swedish companies with business plans in 斯洛伐克.



贸易 & 捷克共和国投资专员

PG电子官方免费下载公司在捷克做生意相对容易, thanks to a similar business culture with a strong focus on long-term sustainable business. Both production and service companies in most industries can seriously benefit from expanding to the Czech Republic, because it has become a hub for both shared service centres and high-tech research and innovation. This evolution complements the strong tradition of industrial production and supply chain management throughout 欧洲 and can offer plenty of business opportunities.


完成第一笔交易的门槛通常不是很高, 但有时在真正的合作开始之前可能需要一些时间. This is not a surprise, as both Swedes and Czechs are usually quite cautious when doing business. However, with some patience you can set up a solid collaboration and be profitable in the long run. The Swedish companies that are present in the market are very positive and report on a favourable business climate.


There is a certain hierarchy in Czech companies that is not always easy to understand from the beginning. It is therefore important to be able to navigate within a company’s structure and be sure to initiate discussions with the right person at the right time.

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